List of Services
List of Services
Tests, evaluation procedures and instruments to measure performance and achievement in students.
Tests, evaluation procedures and instruments to measure performance and achievement in students.
Psychometric Analysis
Psychometric Analysis
Conduct research in measurement
Conduct research in measurement
Compute, interpret and report statistics on examinations, marked scripts, assessed products, grades, survey responses and other measures.
Apply psychometric and editorial skills for the assembly of valid tests.
Test/Survey Development
Test/Survey Development
Assemble, arrange, review and approve items/questions prepared for the production of pretests, final examinations answer keys and mark schemes.
Prepare specifications for items/questions and implement procedures for collecting items/questions.
Ensure the development and maintenance of item banks for assigned constructs.
Use technology to establish and maintain item bank accounts in specified subject areas.
Curriculum Evaluation
Curriculum Evaluation
CalibrateEd Learning
CalibrateEd Learning
Assessment Literacy
Classroom Assessment
Instrument Design and Development